We had a very productive morning off the unit. Shawn was able to come to the gift shop and cafeteria to help pick out my lunch and look for any fun items to bring back to the room. We checked out the cardiac rehab facility and were able to squeeze in a quick 10 minute bike ride. Shawn wanted to keep going but was advised not to push too hard too soon.
When we returned we received some disappointing news. The Dr's wanted to start a heparin drip so we are back on the old IV pole. Along with our pole we are currently anchored to the unit again. While confined to the room we got in some good snapchatting with Madison and the girls. I won't include Austin's snap to save Nicole and Tyler.
Luckily we got out and about this morning before the decision was made and didn't have to spend the whole day in one place. Recent problem aside, we are both doing very well and are looking forward to discharge in a few days.